Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dresses as Decor

About a month ago, I was antiquing, and I went into a very nice, fairly priced consignment shop.  Against one of the walls sat a gorgeous, old dresser and mirror. 

It was yellow.  Very striking and cheerful.  Completely vintage. (I so wish I had a picture of it).

It got me thinking about a room theme.  Preferably a guest room.

A yellow dresser.  Bursts of colbalt blue and rich green colors throughout.  Vintage figurines and wall prints.  A mixture of modern and antique furniture.  A few cool lamps. 

And an antique dressform to hold this:

This 1950s vintage dress as part of the room.  A unique form of period art, tying together colors and style. A vibrant focal point.

I am in love with this dress. 

I want it.


  1. I LOVE that you thrift! I just spent the whole morning while you had Taylor going to the Poway shops with Chloe! =)
