Saturday, May 29, 2010

Where Is....??

The packing...

the sorting...

the questioning:  keep or toss?...

It's a pain.

On the one hand, I'll neatly pack a box, label it, and put it with the others, feeling accomplishment and relief.

Only to discover, 2 weeks later, that the book I couldn't find was packed away in said box.

Or the picture I needed to scan.

Or the blank journal that would have come in handy a month ago.

Now, when I stop and wonder 'where is...', I have to mentally go through the packed boxes, find it, and decide whether it's worth it to unpack the box.

Nope, it's not.



  1. I have a love/hate thing for packing. It's a great time to purge, but boy it's a pain. Just think, when you get to unpacking part you'll have less to deal with ('ll seem like that at first, but then you'll get overwhelmed with unpacking and finding new homes for all your stuff and then you'll be so fed up with boxes that you'll pray for a fire to spontaneously combust and take care of all the boxes so you can go out just buy new stuff and not deal with boxes and unpacking anymore!!! - sorry, that wasn't very encouraging or helpful was it?) :)

  2. Hahahaha! You are too funny!

  3. Oh gosh. I can't even begin to imagine. I was going through old clothes yesterday and I just wanted the mess to disappear.

    Decisions, decisions.
