Friday, March 19, 2010

Friday Fondness: Squeeze Its, aka Junk My Mom Would Not Buy.

The other day, I was watching Two and a Half Men, and I saw the TV kid drinking a Squeeze It.

I cannot believe they still exist.  Or, do they?  Hhhmmm...

I remember seeing advertisements for these drinks as a young child, and wanting to try one so badly.  My mom would say no, that they cost too much, or were too sugary, or if I wanted a Kool Aid type drink, she could mix it up at home from the packets.

But I wanted the bottle they came in.  I thought they were the coolest invention and just had to see what the fuss was all about.

In the end, I finally got to try one, only to discover that they did not taste as good as I'd hoped, and weren't really as 'technologically' advanced as they seemed.  Of course, I haven't had one in, say, 20+ years, so maybe they're better, but I do believe the progress of juice bottles/water bottles have come a long way, at least.

I classify this product as 'junk my mom wouldn't buy.'

Have a fabulous Friday!

1 comment:

  1. SQUEEZ-ITS!!!

    I'm sure our moms were right to not serve Squeez-Its to us, especially in those crazy plastic bottles. But I LOVED them! And it's too funny cause I was just thinking about them the other day!

    Great post!
