Friday, July 9, 2010

Settling In.

As the days pass, it's beginning to feel more and more like 'home'. 

Everybody is alarmingly friendly.

And helpful.

I'm busy 'decorating' my space and making it feel like a sanctuary.

I miss the family that I left behind.  But visits will come soon enough.

The weather has been crazy!  Humid, with bouts of pouring rain, and real, true, Texas style thunder/lightning storms.

And the hum of the cicadas? 

I'm only slightly disappointed that I won't get to make my summer SF trip. 
I love, love, love to visit this time of year. 

Oh, well, there is plenty of fun adventures awaiting on this side.


1 comment:

  1. I miss you too! But I am so happy you are settling in and having fun decorating your new space! Can't wait to see pics and visit you!! I will miss going to SF too!
