Friday, January 15, 2010

Friday Fondness: An Album for...Stickers?

Sticker albums.  I was in love with the whole concept of sticker albums back in the day.  Did anyone else keep one?  Mine was white, with the self adhesive pages.  You know the kind, you pulled back the clear plastic sheet, stuck your pictures (or stickers) on the page, and replaced the plastic to protect them?  And the time spent arranging those stickers, and comparing them to friends, and even the occasional trading.  Such a simple concept to keep a kid quiet occupied, really. 
I could start one now, if I wanted to.  I don't, nor will I.  I'm just stating a fact...
And, of course,  the stickers!  I still occasionally buy stickers for scrapbooking purposes, but they've come a long way since my childhood in the awesome 80s.  As in, they've matured in the past couple of decades
In my collection there were:
Scratch and Sniff

Cabbage Patch Kids

Unicorns and other animals

And I vaguely remember having a couple of Cabbage Pail Kids, too.

Oh, those 80s stickers.  In honor of all those stickers, in a garbage heap somewhere, I dedicate to them this edition of Friday Fondness.  Gotta love them!

1 comment:

  1. I still collect stickers to this day! I buy them on ebay. I have a huge sticker collection. Come check out my blog for a great blast from the past!!! ;)
