Thursday, April 1, 2010

Friday Fondness: My Memories of Fireflies.

As a child, I visited Tennessee a few times.  My Great Aunt Marnie', and my Aunt Margaret lived there, in a small, quaint town called Paris...home of the 'World's Largest Fish Fry'.

One of my favorite memories of these visits was the summer dusk at my Aunt Marnie's old brick house.  The humidity was unbearable at times, but the sunset brought a coolness and it seemed to illuminate the greenery around her home.

And the fireflies would begin their lightning dances in the shrubs, and the trees, moving along the lawn.

Image via web.

It was like a fairy land.  I would wait all day for the fireflies to emerge, and catch them in mason jars and watch them in wonder, wishing that I could bring them home with me.

I miss fireflies.  They bring a gentle magic to the evening blanket of Spring, and Summer.  They remind me of the days spent in that sleepy the lovely house, filled with antiques...which, incidently, has been restored and is now a Bed & Breakfast called The Veranda.

Someday, I'd love to visit that house again, and sit on the front porch, at dusk, waiting for the fireflies to return.

It will be even sweeter when I have my own children.  I will give them mason jars, and watch them chase the fairies.

Alas, this post is more sentimental than most. 

Have a LOVELY Friday.


  1. I share those same firefly memories, Angela. Summer evenings at our home in Long Island,NY; neighborhood parents sitting in lawn chairs in our backyard sipping a cool drink and chatting, coolness flowing in after the day's humidity, and my friends and I watching those amazing fireflies (their bottoms really light up, can you believe it?) and doing the catch and release in jars of our own. Thanks for bringing those memories back to my mind...a nice way to start my morning:) Debbie

  2. I miss fireflies too! They are magical and one of the very few bugs that I'll admit to liking (but it's still not ok for them to land on me!) :)
