Tuesday, December 7, 2010

There I am!

Where have I been??  Sorry blog, for the neglect...

I've been updating here.

Take a peek!

It's been a busy few weeks!  Lots of pictures to share!


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thrill the World 2010

I participated in this year's Thrill the World event!  My friend Christy did as well!  It was a BLAST!  Seriously, you've got to try it. 

Basically, it goes like this:  once a year, on a specific date, at a specific time, all around the world, people dress up as zombies and dance MJs Thriller dance.  This year the creators of the event were trying to get it in the Guinness Book.  Hopefully we made it.

A couple of videos:

And some pictures:

This is our zombie pal Carol, we met her at the rehearsal.

So much fun!  Check out the website for next years Thrill the World, and DO IT!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Why I Came Back.

I wish there was a simple, completely understandable answer as to why I returned to San Diego. 

There is not.

To start with, I truly felt led to go to Texas.  And then, nothing.  I sent out numerous resumes, which were kindly accepted with the following statement:  "I'm sorry, we filled all of our positions for the upcoming school year, but we would love to keep your resume on file for next year."
That's sweet, but not very helpful. 

I finally got the photo website up and running, and printed some promo cards, and delivered them to businesses and schools in the area.  And that was a dead end street too.

I had looked into Nanny positions, but $5 an hour does not an income make.  Seriously.

Texas.  Not at all what I hoped for, or expected it to be.  I began to long for my friends, for California, for the life I took for granted.  (Because I did).

If I take away one lesson from this experience, it would be this:

Faith in God outweighs everything else.

I took a step of faith in going there.  I took a step of faith in waiting and seeking and listening.  I took a step of faith by admitting that I made the wrong decision.  And I took a step of faith by coming back and being willing to start over.

Faith didn't come easily in this.  At all.  In fact, if I may be brutally honest, after the 'honeymoon glow' of the first couple of weeks there, after the newness began to wear off, I was angry.  I had never in my life been so angry with God than during the first month there.  I felt like I had listened and acted accordingly, only to end up in a place of confusion.  I was so angry, I couldn't pray, except out of obedience and the bitter confession of my own anger.  I didn't understand what it all meant.  Why I had made the choice.  What was going to happen next.  Why I felt so far from God when I needed Him the most.

It took time for the anger to begin to subside, and I was able to come to Him in prayer without that barrier.  And then, in the bleakest of moments, in each decline of the job search, I began to have utter, blind faith in Him.  I knew in my heart He would provide, and give me direction, but until then, I'd have to be willing to go as far as He wanted me to in the journey of faith.  I was anxious, terrified, remorseful, and sad.  But, I was trusting Him, with all my broken soul.  He helped me identify my pride and fear of judgement, and the need to prove that I was right.  I had built a house of cards around my myself, each card stating "I was right", "I am strong", "I will not give up".  And that house began to crumble, until it was just me, face to face with God, my sin of self righteousness fully exposed. 

And you know what?  It didn't matter.  I repented, and my pride didn't matter anymore. 
But, what mattered then, was faith in my God, the God of love, of miracles, and of provision. 

And, in turn, He was faithful to me. 

Part 2.

That first part was written before I left for California.  I am humbled, and so thankful that I haven't had a large influx of people say to me:  'What did you do that for?  Why did you go to begin with??'  No, I told you so
Nothing but open arms, 'I'm so glad you are back', love, encouragement, and the 'at least you tried, and now you know.'
I'm glad I tried.
God wanted me to come face to face with Him.   
I can see it now, how He stripped me of my comfort zone, in many different ways, so that I would seek Him, and Him alone.  To trust Him and find peace in the midst of circumstances that we are surrounded by.
To have faith.
Do I still believe that I listened to Him and that He led me to Texas?  Absolutely.
That's not to say that I don't occasionally question it, but I believe I did what He asked of me.
It's not as if He told me how long to stay there.
Life is a little bit different now. 
But it, and God, is good.

Beside the spiritual journey, I am truly a California girl at heart. 
Texas is a wonderful place to visit, and for many, a great place to live.
I prefer the CA frame of mind, the nearby beaches, the weather, and the education system in which I work.  It's home, through and through.

I'm glad to be back.

p.s.  new blog link Angela is Artsy.  Take a peek.


Monday, August 9, 2010


The photography website is up and running!!

Take a look!


Friday, August 6, 2010

Confessions of a Shopaholic.

In my mind, there's always a reason to buy a new outfit/accessory.


And that, my friends, is the sign of a shopaholic.

Sad, but true. 

First, let me say this:  I do tend to lean towards 'designer' labels, but, I always use store coupons, hit the sales, and what not.  I keep my credit cards paid off or very low, and have worked very hard at not going into debt because of my...addiction...

Are you ready for the true confession of a shopaholic? 

Here goes...

Right before I moved, I decided the move equaled two new pairs of Steve Madden shoes, courtesy of DSW:

I wanted to drop of some resumes at some schools in Austin, which equaled a new dress and sweater shrug, from the Dress Barn and LB outlet:

Naturally, as I prepare to launch my photography business, I want to be ready with some cute and comfy outfits, which ended up being 2 pairs of bootcut jeans, 3 neutral tanks, and 2 embellished tanks, courtesy of Lane Bryant and Macy's:

{I opted not to photograph the jeans, we know what jeans look like}

I've started attending a new church, which means a new dress, courtesy of Macy's:

I had to visit my eye doctor for a follow up, and he was attractive, so, obviously, a hip dress was in order, found in 2 colors, thanks to Ross:

{It's hard to tell, but the dresses have a small, white polka dot pattern and the top is trimmed with small ruffles and buttons...I wore the black one to the doc's office}

A new camera bag that can accomodate my equipment, personal items, and business paperwork is important to the start up and flow of the photo business, found at Sears:

A fantastic new 'Coach' bag, courtesy of the Coach Factory Outlet:

A killer dress for any professional occasion, tossed aside in clearance due to the stain on the front, could not be passed up, as a trip to the dry cleaners would revive this beauty (my favorite steal, originally $110, marked down to $13), thanks to Macy's:

And, throw in a couple of statement rings, a la Lane Bryant:

I think I'm set for awhile. 
Thank you for letting me whisper my confession into your ears. 

 I'm a shopaholic, fully aware, and fully willing to admit it!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Flowers in the Attic.

Does anyone remember V.C. Andrews?  The author of 'thriller' books, most often, but not always,  paperbacks?

I'll be honest.  I've always looked at her books and thought they seemed silly, sort of like the romance section.  Now, if you love romance books, that's great.  But I'm talking about the kind of books that seem to fall on the lowest part of the totem pole of popularity.

Many years ago, and a couple of times since, I saw the movie "Flowers in the Attic", based on the book by V.C. Andrews.  I finally decided to try reading it. 

And you know what?  I really enjoyed it.  The writing was excellent, the story was interesting, and it was not at all what I expected.  Truth be told, I most likely would never have even considered the book had I not seen the movie and therefore knew the plotline (Crazy mom + crazy daughter = 4 children locked away in the attic).  It sounds disturbing, I know, but it really wasn't as bad as that little synopsis.

I stand corrected on my assumption that the books were nothing but silliness.

I don't consider it a thriller or horror, but maybe to some?  Give it a read, and see what you think!

P.S.  I'm now reading the second in this particular series, 'Petals on the Wind'.

Monday, July 26, 2010

What Ever Happened To...?

What ever happened to WWWednesday and Friday Fondness??

They will be back, I just haven't had much time to concentrate on them!! 





Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tube Adventures.

Well, it appears that the major 'summer thing to do' here in New Braunfels is 'tube the river'.  Basically, you throw on your swimsuit, slather on sunscreen, grab some cold beverages and your tube, catch the river current and float downstream.  All in all, a 'lazy river' in a real river, with fish and everything.

Here's a picture example: 

My mom and I decided to give it a try.  It wasn't at all crowded.  It looks like that picture on the weekends, but not weekdays.

First off, so much fun.  The next best thing to the beach. 

I bought a nice $20 tube (from the grocery store, hehe).  Catching the first current was so fun, as it shoots you off into the river. 

Typically you pick the designated 'public river exits' to get out of the river and either walk to your car (or start your tube adventure again), or the free 'tube' buses will come and pick you up and drive you to central drop off spots. 

I caught the current at a much faster pace than my mom did, so she was quite a ways behind me.  I paddled toward the shallow side of the shore, only to get stuck in the rocks.  She finally caught up with me, and the same thing happened to her.  We got out of our tubes to discover a new river must:  wear water shoes.  The rocks were so sharp, and slippery, and you fight against the current to steady yourself to get back on the tube.  At last, we were back on track, after some stubbed toes and tumbles. 

We came to the 'last public exit' sign, and decided to get off and walk back.  I was stuck in a current away from the exit side, and decided to get out of the tube and walk across.  I put my flipflops on to help against the rocks, and edged my way off the tube, which is relatively large.  The river is, after all, waist deep...


I slid off the stupid tube in what was probably the deepest part of the whole stinkin' river.  I went all the way under, and instictively opened my eyes to get my bearing.  I'm tall, and even sinking completely under the water, I still could NOT feel the bottom.  My first thought was 'oh my gosh, I just fell into the river!'  My second thought was 'Eeeewww, I just fell into the river!'  And then 'My eyes are burning!'  I surfaced and my mom was on the shore laughing hysterically.  Thanks.  All of a sudden, I saw my shoes floating downstream, and my tube had been caught in a current going upstream.  I swam after my shoes, grabbed them, and swam after the tube. 

Swimming against a river current?  Not so fun. 

All that to say, we walked about a half mile to the car, put my mom's tube in the trunk, and tied my tube to the roof.

And that is how I lost my awesome $20 river tube after it's maiden voyage.  It was secured, but a gust of wind took it on a busy road, where it met the front tire of a large pick up truck, and got stuck.  The fellow in the truck was very nice and apologetic, as were we. 

Lessons learned:
1.  Wear swim shoes.
2.  If you see the rocks really clearly at the bottom of the river, you have entered a very shallow point.  You will get stuck.
3.  If you don't see any rocks at all, don't try to get off your tube.  You will be submerged into murky darkness.
4.  If you are going to tie a tube to the top of your car, triple tie it. 
5.  If the man who runs over your tube is cute, and in a doctor's uniform, don't be an embarrassed chicken like me.  Get out and say hello.
(I'm just saying).

The End. 

Friday, July 16, 2010

Sometimes It's About Forgiveness.

Sometimes, it seems, we...


refuse to see the brighter side of situations.

And sometimes, we...


get swallowed up in the 'why' and 'what for' of the past.

And sometimes, we...


miss the people I myself have said 'you cannot be a part of my life.'

Because of misunderstanding.  Hurt.  Anger.

And sometimes...it's simply a matter of


And just perhaps, we...


will stop letting the past taint the future.

It's time to be a good friend, to show compassion, forgiveness, acceptance of what cannot be changed.

It's time to fully embrace the 'what could be' instead of holding onto the 'what was.'

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New Photo Blog!

Since life has finally settled down here, I thought I'd 'reopen' the photo side business!  New name, new logo, new blog!!  And, in a couple of weeks (fingers crossed), a brand-spanking-new website!! 

I really want to get the business going strong, and ideally make it into a career, instead of just a 'side' deal. 

Please check it out, and feel free to follow, comment, etc!



Friday, July 9, 2010

Settling In.

As the days pass, it's beginning to feel more and more like 'home'. 

Everybody is alarmingly friendly.

And helpful.

I'm busy 'decorating' my space and making it feel like a sanctuary.

I miss the family that I left behind.  But visits will come soon enough.

The weather has been crazy!  Humid, with bouts of pouring rain, and real, true, Texas style thunder/lightning storms.

And the hum of the cicadas? 

I'm only slightly disappointed that I won't get to make my summer SF trip. 
I love, love, love to visit this time of year. 

Oh, well, there is plenty of fun adventures awaiting on this side.


Monday, July 5, 2010

Here At Last.

It has been the craziest week and half, what with the packing, the goodbyes, the loading of the moving truck, the rental papers to read and sign, the forwarding of addresses, etc. etc. 
We are here at last.  Our goal was to split the drive out here into 2 days, but we split it into 3.  It worked out, but if I have to be in a car any time soon for more than an hour, I may scream!  My 2 cats were troopers.  They rode in my mom's car because it could accomodate the pet cage, but I was in charge of them in the hotel rooms.  They were so good, considering each night we were in unfamiliar territory.  They stayed with me, roamed around, checked out the room, and slept on the bed.  They hated being put back into their cage each morning and loaded into the car, but they got over it.
Our house is lovely, in a great, quiet neighborhood.  The neighbors are friendly, and we are halfway down the cul-de-sac.  I am continuing to rent from my parents, and I have one end of the house with my bedroom, bathroom, and an office.  We split the groceries and general expenses, so it's a pretty decent set up.  I have more privacy than before, because of the floorplan of the home.  I am aiming to move out as soon as I am settled and find an area closer to Austin.  I'll be beginning to church shop next weekend, plus find a weight watcher meeting.  Next month, the job hunt will start. 
For now, my days are filled with 'to-do' lists.  During the time I'm here, I want it to still feel like home, so I'm sorting through packed boxes, figuring out what I want out, or what stays packed.  Needless to say, I will not unpack every box until I do have my own place and the room for all of it.  Lots of trips to the store to pick up basic odds and ends that you don't tend to pack.  (Well, I didn't anyway).  But, it's been good.
I am excited about visiting churches and getting involved in Bible studies and ministry.  I'm still undecided about what to do for a job, as I am still trying to build the photography thing.  In the meantime, there are bills to be paid! 
Thank you for all the prayers and support.  I will keep you updated, and will eventually add pictures of the house, when it is finally all decorated!! 


Monday, June 28, 2010

Five Alike. {I Carry Your Heart With Me}.

To you, my four darling friends, my sisters and brother,

We were brought together by chance, by work, by God.  How quickly the years have passed.  From moves, to babies, to overnights and long talks, food and laughter, and the occasional tears. 

You are family.  My family.

We are five alike, five different.  We bring out the best in each other.

I thank God for each of you, from the depths of my soul, and the corners of my heart.

I will miss, miss, miss you.  But, the times we will spend together will be cherished even more. 

It's not goodbye, after all. 

"I carry your heart with me.  I carry it in my heart"

I love you.

xoxoxo (a million times over)


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Come Tuesday.

The house is nearly packed (finally).

The days are ticking by rapidly (yet so slowly).

Come Tuesday morning, I will be on the road...

with 2 angry cats...

Crossing state lines.  Following the path ahead.

Following God's call.

There will be


Come Tuesday night, I will be resting in an anonymous hotel room in New Mexico.

So much in one day.
In the past month.
And past year.

When I get there, to the house God has provided...

I will take a NAP.

(Yup, that's the big plan for the arrival in Texas...so far).

Sunday, June 13, 2010


The closer it (moving day) gets,

the more I want it.

And the fear



And the goodbyes are approaching.

And my mind can't seem to


What if, what if, what if...

{positive and doubt combined}.

Change is constant.  Hard.  Invigorating.  Exciting.


Monday, June 7, 2010


Sometimes it seems like 'moving day' will never come.

Most of the time, it feels like it's coming too fast.

It's unreal.  Or...surreal. 

I'm living it, and feeling it, but every now and again, it's like I'm watching it all unfold.

I dread the day I say goodbye to those I love so dearly.

And drive for 2 days across the desert landscape to unknown territory.

But, deep inside, I'm so excited.

God is amazing, and He is working beyond my imagination.

I trust wholly in Him, and His guidance.

His love is never surreal or unreal.

It's totally real.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Thank You.

For those who have served.

For those still serving.

For those who have left this earth during your call to duty.

Thank you.

For your courage.

A million times over.

We are praying you home.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Where Is....??

The packing...

the sorting...

the questioning:  keep or toss?...

It's a pain.

On the one hand, I'll neatly pack a box, label it, and put it with the others, feeling accomplishment and relief.

Only to discover, 2 weeks later, that the book I couldn't find was packed away in said box.

Or the picture I needed to scan.

Or the blank journal that would have come in handy a month ago.

Now, when I stop and wonder 'where is...', I have to mentally go through the packed boxes, find it, and decide whether it's worth it to unpack the box.

Nope, it's not.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Weight Watcher Wednesday: He'll Dress Up Your Salad.

Newman's Own Light Italian Dressing is my go-to fellow for salads.

It's so tasty, and 2 tablespoons is only 2 WW points.

Add it to some fresh butter lettuce (heavenly lettuce, if you've never tried it), feta cheese, and tomatoes, and you've got a filling, yummy salad.  Quick and easy!

Thanks, Newman!  You can 'dress' my salads any day of the week!


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Have A Happy Friday!

Sorry I missed the WW Wednesday/Friday Fondness! 

Feeling a bit zapped.

But, take a look at this video!  It's certainly not new, but I love it, and it makes me smile!

Have a nice Friday and great weekend, folks!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Weight Watcher Wednesday: Switching It Up.

This week, I'm kicking up the basic 'go for a walk' routine.

I've been logging in time at our local track, as well as adding bleachers...

You know, where you go up and down the bleacher stairs?

It's energizing, and always nice to switch up the same ol' thing.

That's what I've been up to this week. 

How about you?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Friday Fondness: My Klondike Bar.

I loved this little fella:

My Kodak.  I often called him my little Klondike bar.  I don't know why.

He passed a couple of years ago, in my arms, at the age of 12.

He was so beautiful, sweet, and gentle. 

I still miss him.

And have only the fondness of memories.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Weight Watcher Wednesday: Simply Filling {Part 2}.

Okay, folks, I put in my week on the 'Simply Filling' technique.

It did pay off, with a loss of 1.6 pounds.


I would only do it one week a month.  It just wasn't my thing.

I always incorporate filling foods into my meals, but I do enjoy the Fiber One bars, instant oatmeal, string cheese, etc.

I can have those things on 'Simply Filling', but they are taken from my weekly points allowance. 

Bottom line, I enjoy the daily counting and tracking of food points.  Strange, yes, but it's my thing.

Back to the standard plan this week!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Andrea's Baby Shower!

My awesome friend and 'soul sista' Andrea is expecting her semi-third baby, Alexiah June-Hope next month.  By semi-third, I mean that she already has twin girls, so this is her third daughter, yet only second pregnancy, you see?

Anywho, I had the honor of helping organize the shower, and it was fun!  Here are some decorations and trinkets from the party!

I painted this for her room!  (Acrylic/ink on canvas)
Handpainted serving tray and gift boxes!  Flowers and scrapbook petals!
Margarita glasses tied with coordinating ribbon!  (Sorry picture is so dark!)
Scrapbook paper banner!
Fun tablecloths!
Borrowed clothes from Alexiah's dresser for a whimsical clothesline!

Good times!!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Something To Tell You.

To my most faithful, lovely, awesome blog followers/readers/photography clients:

I'm moving!

No, no, not the blog (whew).

In fact, this blog will be where I share and keep you updated on this journey on which I am about to embark.

I, San Diego born girl, am moving from the sunny West Coast to:


It's 95% thrilling, and 5% terrifying.  But, even that makes it fun.

God has provided an opportunity for my awesome parents, whom I dearly love and admire to move to the Lone Star State. 

Through prayer and wise counsel, I have decided to step out of my comfort zone and see what Texas may hold for me, as well.  I've visited a couple of times, and loved it both. 

I believe God used my parents as tools to move me.  (In addition to working in their lives).  Because, a year ago, Texas wasn't even an option, in my mind.  And now?  I can't imagine not going.  I'm in a position to go, and the doors are swinging open for me.  I've prayed, sought wise counsel, and have been overwhelmingly supported by my close friends and confidants...they tell me they will miss me, but I have to at least give it a shot.
I, personally, will be seeking out a place in Austin, while they seek out a place farther south of the city, in one of the communities lying between Austin and San Antonio.

Oh, the uncharted territory, adventures, and challenges I will face.  But, I know this is where God is leading me, for this season of life, and I am surrounded by His perfect peace.


Sadly, Little Flock has shut its doors for the time being.  I will not be able to take any more clients or schedule any shoots, as the move will be happening at the end of June (fast!), but there is a chance that in the meantime, at some tragic point, my computer will be temporarily shut off, which means no editing.

Also, a change in e-mail carriers, which means my Little Flock, and personal e-mail addresses will be closed in the very near future.  Boo.

I'll keep you posted as I move along. 

Stick around!

God is good.  Life is exciting.  I'm ready for the risk. 


...to see what He has planned next.



Friday Fondness: Don't Try This At Home {Scary}.

Allow me to preface this post by telling you that I do not categorize this subject as 'fondness', nor do I, in any way, agree with participating in these kinds of 'activities'.  Are we clear on that?  Good...now on with the post...

I am a 30 year old adult.

I am still creeped out, however old I may be, by the bathroom mirror in the dark.

Why?  You wonder.

Because of that Urban Legend.

You know which one.

Bloody Mary.

Sheesh.  Scared me then, scares me now.

I don't recall fully participating in this...er, summoning activity?  Something about standing in a dark bathroom, with the faucet running, chanting 'Bloody Mary' or some nonsense.  And, there might be spinning involved?

Regardless, I wasn't going to look it up, but figured that since I found the information via Wikipedia, it would be safe.

Um, not.  Did you read that

What kind of horrific childhood game is this?  Chanting in a dark bathroom until you see some sort of evil reflection in the mirror?  Man alive, I think not.

I do know a few people who have done this, in the days of our carefree youth, and swear that it happened (as in, a ghostly figure appeared, not a violent murder mentioned in the article), and others swear it did not. 

Also, I was unaware that her husband could be summoned by calling his nickname, 'Candyman.'  One of my friends has a story about that...maybe she'd be willling to do a guest spot, telling us about it...hhhhmmmm.

Instead of playing 'Bloody Mary', why not get together with friends and have a Bloody Mary?

I like including pictures in my posts, but this one was too...spooky...to add a related one, so in case you feel a little creeped out, this is for you:

Oh, look!  A pretty flower!  Tra-la-la.

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Weight Watcher Wednesday: Simply Filling.

I've hit a plateau with dear WW these past couple of weeks.  Following the plan, tracking, walking, and still fluctuating between a 3 pound range that should have already been history.


So, with some advice, I discovered the WW Simply Filling Food technique.  For a week (or more, if I choose), instead of counting my daily points, I will only choose food from the filling food list, such as fat free dairy products, lean proteins, fruits and veggies, whole grains, etc.

Basically, you don't count these foods, because they are very low in fat, and contain a lesser amount of refined sugars.  If I wanted something like a See's sucker, or Fiber One bar, it would be taken from my weekly points allowance, which doesn't change.

It's nice that WW offers a variation to the program.  I hope it will be a kickstart for my body to get moving again on the weight loss track. 

I'll let you know how the week went on this plan. 

And hopefully, I will get past the plateau.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

That One Time, When I Almost Moved to SF.

As previously promised, I would like to share with you the story of my ‘almost’ move to the lovely City by the Bay, aka, San Francisco.

In a nutshell, I visited this land (come on, SF is literally its own land in more ways than one, wouldn’t you agree?) for the first time in the summer of 2006. Somehow, I fell for its quirky vibrancy, free flowing lifestyle, unexplored territories, and all that falls in between.

Since first meeting the city, I have visited 4 times. A couple of times recreationally, but a couple for ‘business.’ And that ‘business’ was simply to move there and attend the Academy of Art University.

Let’s put it this way. I prayed, prayed, prayed on this one. I wanted it to the core of my being. I envisioned my life, finding a hip church where I could get involved, coffee with new friends from all over the world, reconnecting with old friends who call this place their home, establishing myself in the thriving art scene, someday. I had the blessings of my parents. I had the support of my friends. I decided the best course of action would be to plug myself into a local nanny agency, and go from there. And I did all that. I met with a counselor at the Academy, to discuss finances, loans, and academic transfers. I discussed the possibility with my boss. I even went to a well known agency, and filled out all the paperwork.

And that was when I knew the answer was no. I was sitting there, in the agency meeting room, alone with a stack of papers. In the midst of filling out my education, my experience, my this, and my that, I looked up at the panoramic window overlooking the buildings towards downtown. I marveled at the view. I noticed the sky was brilliantly blue. I thought about how it was windy that day, and cold. And then, out of nowhere, I understood that God had literally taken me as far as I was to go in that journey.

I truly believe the purpose of all of that was to trust God, to step out in faith, to follow Him. And every door opened along the way. Until they were shut. It was a growing time for me; a time to listen to His gentle calling. And I felt His peace in knowing I was finished, before I had truly begun. There, at least.

Two years have past since then. I don’t regret not going, but sometimes can’t help but wonder what it would have been like to go. I’ve also struggled with the feeling of being in ‘limbo’. Not knowing for certain where or what God is calling me to do. I’ve felt Him working on my heart, in my life, in ways that are personal, and meaningful, to me. It is all about the journey, I’ve come to understand.

I firmly believe that God used that time in my life to nudge me from my comfort zone. To look beyond complacency, and to trust that, because of Him, I can have the courage to step out and discover something new about myself.

Even more so, this experience allowed me to see another way in which waiting on His timing in life is never wasted.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Weight Watcher Wednesday: I {heart} Sees.

Sees Candy.



Not too hot.  Depending.

But, their classic Lollipops?


2 points each.

I {heart} Sees.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Art Archives. Part 1.

My photo files on my computer are a hot mess right now.  In the process of searching for some photos, stored away in the oblivion of hard drive land, I found this:

I did this particular drawing in my college drawing/comp. class about a year (or so) ago, modeled from a magazine image.

I guess I should start up the art again, as I truly love it. 
 I much prefer painting to drawing, but it is a great exercise in discipline, lighting, and composition. 

{I secretly dream of having a gallery show of my paintings.  Something fun and whimsically thematic}

For Walkers, Runners and Hikers.

If you like to take long walks, or go on hikes, check out this website:


It's like mapquest for walking/hiking/running.  You can add starting points, create your own routes, and finishing points, and it will estimate your mileage for you!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Fondness: Swans Crossing.

Once upon a time, there was a teen soap opera called 'Swans Crossing'.

It was short lived, and poorly acted for the most part, though it did feature future stars such as Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), and Mira Sorvino (numerous films, including Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion).  It ran for one measley season back in 1993.

But, I loved it.  The drama.  The heartache.  The rich teens.  The plot twists. 

It was Saved By the Bell sans comedy, Dawson's Creek sans semi-believable emotional strings, and Beverly Hills 90210 sans popularity.

Oh, Swans Crossing.  The mishmash of overly dramatic beautiful people in a small town, learning about love and betrayal.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Adios, Mural. {An Example of Stellar 'Street Art'}

Okay, I am seriously glad I got a picture of this awesome mural, painted on the side of an art supply store near Old Town, in SD.

How cute is that?


It's gone.

Painted over: sad, plain white.  With a sign:  We've Moved!

Glad the store is still rockin' in the area, and I'm sure they will jazz up the side of their new location.

But, I loved this mural.


Times, they are a-changing.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Weight Watcher Wednesday: Missed You.

Dear Weight Watchers,

During my travels to the land of BBQ, you were always on my mind.

I don't want, nor will I pretend, to know the number of points in some of the tasty meals I indulged in.

But, I am back, old chum.  Back, for good.

And I am so glad.



Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tweet, tweet!

Follow me on Twitter, fellow Tweeting friends!  Click the button on the right!

I'll follow you in return!

You are rockstars!

I had a Twitter issue, so if you don't appear on my followers list and you used to, just re-follow, and all is well!!


Monday, April 12, 2010

Book Vs. Movie. I Can't Believe This Didn't Make the List.

My dear friend Debbie read my Book vs. Movie post, and gifted me a bit of nostalgia, a book/movie combo I overlooked:

The Babysitter's Club.

Sigh.  Happy memories.

If you were reading my blog during my brief switch to Wordpress, then you would remember that I dedicated a Friday Fondness post to the grand ol' BSC.

Thanks to Debbie, I now own the BSC movie on DVD, plus a copy of the book that started it all:  'Kristy's Great Idea'.

That's a tough comparison, though.  There were 100+ BSC books written, but only 1 feature film created.  And everyone has a different story line.

So, if you {hearted} the kids in the club, I would say read it and watch it!

Thanks Debbie!

P.S.  If you want to reflect on the awesomeness of these teeny bopper moguls, cruise by Kim's blog.  She rocks.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Book Vs. Movie. My Picks.

I love to read a good book.

I enjoy a good movie.

Therefore, I like comparing books to their movie makeovers.

Here is my list of books/movies, and which version I prefer (my own humble opinion).

1.  Memoirs of a Geisha.  Arthur Golden.  (The recollections of a successful Geisha in Japan).
The movie is great, but the book is fabulous.  Read it!

2.  The Beach.  Alex Garland.  (A tourist comes across a secret island off the shore in Thailand).
Both were good in their own rights, but I really like the movie.  Watch it!

3.  Harry Potter (any).  J.K. Rowling.  (Young wizard Harry and his Hogwarts pals and their adventures).
Love the movies, but the books ROCK.  Read it!

4.  The Thorn Birds.  Colleen McCullough.  (Love affair between a woman and a priest, set in New Zealand).
Book and movie are a bit long and drawn out.  If you want the condensed version, I vote movie.  Watch it!

5.  Bridget Jones' Diary.  Helen Fielding.  (30 something Bridget seeks love).
Both are hilarious.  I personally love the book.  Read it!

6.  The Notebook.  Nicholas Sparks.  (First love and rekindled romance between a couple).
Oh, oh, the romance of the movie and the chemistry of the actors.  I read the book, but felt it lacked the emotion that was portrayed in the film.  Watch it!

7.  The Virgin Suicides.  Jeffrey Eugenides.  (5 beautiful sisters take their own lives within the course of one year).
One of my favorite books ever.  It is so beautifully written, you feel like you are there.  The movie was well done and kept very close to the novel.  Read it!

8.  The Invisible Circus.  Jennifer Egan.  (Young Phoebe takes on a journey to discover the truth behind her older sister's death).
I only discovered this was a book after stumbling across the movie one night on the movie channel.  The movie was intruiging and heartfelt, but the book explained it all so much better.  Read it!

9.  Rebecca.  Daphne Du Maurier.  (A young woman falls into the shadow of her husband's dead wife).
There have a been a few films made based on this 1938 novel, but the book is by far the best.  Read it!

10.  To Kill A Mockingbird.  Harper Lee.  (Scout and Jem are fascinated by the mysterious Boo Radley, in Alabama).
Oh, where to begin with this one?  This is a tie, for sure.  The book is wonderful, and so is the movie.  Love, love, love them.  Read it!  Watch it!

There you have it, folks!  My own little list of Book vs. Movie comparisons! 

Thursday, April 8, 2010


I am home from a wonderful trip to Texas.

I stayed (for the 2nd time) in New Braunfels, which lies between San Antonio and Austin.

I spent a day in San Antonio, visiting the Alamo, Market Square, San Fernando Cathedral, and various areas of the downtown area.

{Top:  San Fernando Cathdral.  Bottom:  Market Square}

I spent a day in Austin, visiting the Capitol, and outlying regions, downtown, and ended the day sitting along the Colorado River, watching the nightly flight of 1.5 million Mexican free-tailed bats.  Unfortunately, because it got so dark, it was very difficult to take decent photographs, but it was amazing to watch these tiny animals fly from their home under the Congress Bridge and dart into the sky.

{Texas Capitol}

In between the 2 city visits, I enjoyed taking pictures of the wildflowers, which blanketed the ground everywhere. 

Especially the Bluebonnets.

{Texas Bluebonnet}

It was a blast, and I really loved Austin...it felt very 'SF/SD-esque' and I look forward to visiting again!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Weight Watcher Wednesday: BBQ sans points.

Points schmoints.

There is a good chance I'm splurging on some 'down home' BBQ


Texans know their barbeque.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Joy.

Easter isn't about egg hunting...

{my sister and I, back in the day}

Or super cute retro dresses...

{my sister and I, circa '84}

And it's not neccessarily about family...

{with my Aunt Marnie, in Tennessee, '84}

...it's about the ressurrection of Jesus Christ.

Because He died on the cross...

I live.

I have hope.  Forgiveness.  Unfailing love.  Joy.

A life with my Savior.

Eternal life.


Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Friday Fondness: My Memories of Fireflies.

As a child, I visited Tennessee a few times.  My Great Aunt Marnie', and my Aunt Margaret lived there, in a small, quaint town called Paris...home of the 'World's Largest Fish Fry'.

One of my favorite memories of these visits was the summer dusk at my Aunt Marnie's old brick house.  The humidity was unbearable at times, but the sunset brought a coolness and it seemed to illuminate the greenery around her home.

And the fireflies would begin their lightning dances in the shrubs, and the trees, moving along the lawn.

Image via web.

It was like a fairy land.  I would wait all day for the fireflies to emerge, and catch them in mason jars and watch them in wonder, wishing that I could bring them home with me.

I miss fireflies.  They bring a gentle magic to the evening blanket of Spring, and Summer.  They remind me of the days spent in that sleepy town...in the lovely house, filled with antiques...which, incidently, has been restored and is now a Bed & Breakfast called The Veranda.

Someday, I'd love to visit that house again, and sit on the front porch, at dusk, waiting for the fireflies to return.

It will be even sweeter when I have my own children.  I will give them mason jars, and watch them chase the fairies.

Alas, this post is more sentimental than most. 

Have a LOVELY Friday.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Away for Spring Break.

I will be spending my Spring Break visiting friends in Texas!

I'm going to *try* to schedule a couple of automatic blog posts while I am away!

Hurrah!  Vacation!

I'll be back soon, with pics!
